1.What is CRCNDA(Comprehensive Resources for Cancer NGS Data Analysis)?
CRCNDA is a webportal which has a list of tools for cancer NGS data analysis,Cancer resources which include NGS techniques and a list of software pipelines to make Data analysis easier.
2.Who can use CRCNDA?
The data in CRCNDA is free and open to public.
3.What is a Pipeline Tool?
A Pipeline tool is developed to automate various steps in NGS Data Analysis by combining different analysis tools.
4.How can CRCNDA data be accessed?
CRCNDA data can be accessed through online by using any web-browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox, Opera etc.
5.How can the data be searched?
CRCNDA data can be searched from the search page which lists three sets of data and cancer type related to that data.The data are 1.Literature data which list primary citation details ,2.Literature with gene data which lists primary citation and genes involved in the study and 3.SRA data from NGS experiments for each cancer type listed in the drop down menu.
6.What are Cancer related information listed in CRCNDA?
CRCNDA Web Portal lists Cancer pathways, Cancer databases, active Cancer projects and literature information