Comprehensive Resources for Cancer NGS Data Analysis


Data Analysis

  1. HiPipe : High Performance Pipelines for NGS Data Analysis .

  2. Ngs_backbone : A bioinformatic pipeline created to work on Next Generation Sequence (NGS) analysis as well as with sanger sequences.

  3. NARWHAL : A primary analysis pipeline for NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING data.

  4. NGSQC :Cross-Platform Quality Analysis for Deep Sequencing data .

  5. ASAP : An open source framework for building and executing a pipeline to preprocess next generation sequence data and variant calls.

  6. BreakFusion : A computational pipeline for identifying gene fusions from RNA-seq data.

  7. ChAMP : Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450.

  8. A5 : A pipeline for assembling DNA sequence data generated on the Illumina sequencing platform .

  9. iMetAMOS : An automated ensemble assembly pipeline.

  10. QUASR : A lightweight pipeline written to process and analyse next-generation sequencing (NGS) data from Illumina, 454, and Ion Torrent platforms.

  11. RUM :An alignment, junction calling, and feature quantification pipeline specifically designed for Illumina RNA-Seq data. .

  12. SHORE : A mapping and analysis pipeline for short read data produced on the Illumina platform.

  13. SmashCommunity : A stand-alone metagenomic annotation and analysis pipeline suitable for data from Sanger and 454 sequencing technologies.